The Alchemist Code Wiki


The Alchemist Code Wiki

Known Issues - Updated Nov 5 [ | ]

We have fixed an issue wherein players were able to leave an Alchemia Port during the Raid period.

Please kindly note that players should not be able to leave or get kicked from an Alchemia Port during Raid period.

If you encounter any related concern in the future, please contact our Support Team at <a href=""></a>.

Thank you very much for your kind understanding.

Please kindly take note of the following known issues updates:

White Display Issue
The white display issue encountered from Mobius Tower and Memento UI has been fixed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • Trick or Flower
    There is a text issue for the Memento name in the EX Stage Quest Details which will be fixed on a later update.

    CORRECT: "Decompressing at Day's End"

    In addition, the EX stage was not increasing the Alchemic Boundary for the Event Memento "Decompressing at Day's End".

    This has been fixed and now working correctly.

  • Some players might encounter a white display issue from the following:
    • Mobius Tower
    • Memento UI

    Please be also advised that some players are unable to view some Event Milestones due to a display issue.

    The Event Milestone list can only display a limited number of Event Milestones. Those that are supposedly displayed at the bottom of the list cannot be viewed due to several uncleared Event Milestones.

    We kindly suggest to finish some Event Milestones at the top of the list for the latest ones to appear.

    Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
